Special Events 

Men's Breakfast

Men's breakfast is held the first Saturday of every month.  Breakfast is provided and a special guest is usually present to share message with the group.  Grab a friend and join us!


Every second Sunday after worship.  
Bring a dish and stay for a fellowship meal 

Lord's Supper 

We observe the Lord's Supper monthly on the third Sunday .

Sunday Morning Co-Ed Bible Study

This class at 9:00 am Sundays is led by Bob Tate.

Wednesday Ladies 10AM Bible Study

Laura Wilson leads this vital Bible study for our ladies who are currently studying Dr. David Jeremiah's "Ten Steps to Spiritual Renewal" on Wednesdays at 10:00 am.

Wednesday Evening Co-Ed Bible Study

Gary Will is leading a study at 6:30PM
Max Lucado's - "What Happens Next"

Pastor Clark's Thursday Evening
Co-Ed Bible Study

Thursday evenings at 6:00pm