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Clark Cothern,
Senior Pastor
Pastor Clark has been pastor of Vallecito Church since August 11, 2024. He has served in ministry with his wife Joy for over 30 years.
Ministry Responsibility:
Adult Groups
First Impressions
Tech Team
Praise Team
Women's Ministry
Cell - (734) 845-0661
Bob Tate, Elder
Ministry Responsibility:
Church finances
Prayer Quilts
Children's Ministries
Safety Team
Meals for Sick & Recovering
Cell - (361) 649-2914
Rick McCune, Elder
Ministry Responsibility:
Buildings & Grounds
Summer Tent
Operation Christmas Child
Cell - (970) 382-1611
Ken Baker, Elder
Ministry Responsibility:
E Newsletter
Church Directory
Thanksgiving Baskets
Church Sign
Food Pantry
Men's Breakfast
Cell - (210) 413-0202
Statement of Faith
We believe that there is one eternal God, existing in three persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is wholly divine and exalts Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment, He teaches and empowers the saint in living the Christian life, worship, evangelism and service.
The Bible
The Bible is the inspired Word of God; meaning that it is written by God through the agency of men inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit. It is the means by which God has revealed Himself, His will, His purpose, and His righteous standards to mankind. It is the plumb line by which all conduct, doctrine, and ideology is judged.
Mankind is the crowning creation of of God, created male and female in the image of God with the purpose to fellowship with Him. By his own choice, the first man, Adam, chose to disobey God and sin against Him. That act brought sin into the world along with itʼs curse of separation from God, eternal judgment and physical and spiritual death. The love and value God has for mankind is evidenced in His sending His own sinless Son to die as a substitute sacrifice for the sins of mankind.
Because Jesus gave His life as a substitute to pay for the sin of mankind, anyone who will confess their sin and need for forgiveness, repent of that sin and surrender their life to the authority of Jesus will be saved from the judgment of God. Salvation, or having a righteous standing before God, cannot be earned. No one is good enough. It is a free gift, bought by Jesus with His life on a Cross, for anyone willing to accept it.
Baptism and Communion
We believe in two Church ordinances:1) Baptism, by immersion, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit2) Communion, done in remembrance of the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ, both ordinances reservedfor Believers. These ordinances do not save a person, they are an expression of faith in Christ Jesus.
We believe in the literal, visible return of Jesus Christ to establish His Kingdom on earth, in the resurrection of the Believers to eternal life, and unbelievers to eternal torment.
Vallecito Church History
The vision and dream of a church in the Vallecito valley started in 1951 around a piano in the lobby of the Lost Creek Lodge owned by Claude O. Crane and his wife, Bunkie. Many travelers and some more permanent would gather informally for singing. Singing grew into gospel singing and then Claude Crane, a wise Christian man, soon added Bible study. The Lord blessed this witness and convicted the hearts of many to pursue this dream to fruition.
A church sponsor was sought and in 1958, the First Baptist Church of Ignacio, under the conviction of the Lord, agreed with the vision and, thus, Vallecito Mission was born. A used tent that would seat 200 people was procured and services began the summer of 1958.
A ground breaking was held on August 16, 1959, with an offering of $397, to construct a 30X50 log church. By faith, monies came along with many volunteer labor hours and the structure was completed in time for services the summer of 1961. In the early days, preachers would drive from Ignacio to the valley for Sunday services. Services were held from May to Labor Day. Throughout the sixties and early seventies, the summer pastor would be a student from Southwestern Seminary.
On August 1, 1971, Vallecito Mission was constituted as a church in its own right and became Vallecito Baptist Church with twenty six charter members. The need for a full time pastor was realized in the spring of 1975 and work on a nine thousand dollar auditorium addition had already begun in the summer of 1974. Logs were donated, as was volunteer labor and the structure was completed in 1975 paid by wisely saved surplus income throughout the years.
In the fall of 2017 Pastor Fred Hewett joined the church as senior pastor. He called the first ever additional staff member in the fall of 2020, Tom Smith as worship pastor.
In recent years the addition of extended education and office space has allowed for new growth in Sunday school. In the fall of 2021 the Fellowship Hall expansion was completed. This project should allow for more fellowship and Sunday school space.
In the spring of 2023 we poured a concrete pad as a base for our summer tent. This project provides more safety for our church members and allows our tent and chairs to last longer.
In August of 2024 Pastor Clark Cothern II was called to become our new Pastor of Vallecito Church. He and his wife Joy have been faithful to God's calling for over 30 years.
Additions and modifications have been made to the physical church through the years, but the spiritual goal of the church has never changed: to spread the gospel, good news of Christ Jesus throughout this valley.